On a business trip, at the boarding gate of his plane, a thought crossed the mind of Benjamin, the founder of i-Ternity. What would happen to his crypto wallets if he were to pass away in a plane-crash or for some other unexpected reason ? Would the contents of his wallets be lost forever ? With around 20% of all existing bitcoins, the equivalent of 140 billion dollars having been lost, many questions arise as to what would happen after the sudden death of the crypto-assets owners. Who would potentially inherit the assets ? Under what legal frameworks ? Would the owner's wishes be respected at all ? And most importantly: How could crypto-assets owners make sure their assets remain safe after their death and that their wishes are executed without risking fraud or lost funds ?
One thing led to another, and after many discussions with experts from the tech and notarial spheres the i-Ternity project was born. From the concerns raised above we have discovered an unprecedented opportunity to reshape the sphere of inheritance transmission and testament creation to match the current needs of crypto investors from around the world. The solution we have developed rests on the use of current blockchain technology to secure the certification, storage and transmission of digital testaments. Our future clients will thus be able to create, manage, and store their decentralised testaments with the help of our user-friendly i-Ternity platform knowing that the underlying blockchain technology ensures their safety, reliability and immutability.
There are several types of testaments currently in use, with one of the most common being the so-called holographic testament which is entirely written by the hand of the testator on paper. This kind of testament is currently the most appreciated in many countries because it is easy to create and does not require the intervention of any external parties. However, its authenticity is much less reliable than that of a so-called authentic testament, which can only be created in the presence of two notaries (or one notary assisted by two witnesses). To create an authentic testament, the testator dictates the instructions and prescriptions to the notary who can then provide further advice regarding compliance with established inheritance law regulations. Despite being more reliable, many individuals prefer using a holographic testament as its creation is much cheaper and less cumbersome than that of an authentic testament.
This is where i-Ternity finds its central value proposition: in developing 2.0 holographic testaments which retain the advantages of the classic holographic testament but without any of its drawbacks. i-Ternity seeks to help overcome the three fundamental barriers to successful inheritance transmission:
Lacking Motivation: The psychological barrier created by the unpleasant nature of the subject matter as well as the fear of death prevents many individuals from drafting their testaments and making sure their assets will not be lost or misused after their passing away. This holds even more true when talking about the drafting of authentic testaments which require one to go to use the services of a notary.
Errors & Lack of Compliance with Legal Standards: Holographic testaments are often cancelled or misinterpreted due to a lack of background information and of legal support at the time of their drafting. Moreover, they are also more easily challenged by dissatisfied heirs which increases the risk of causing unwanted family disputes besides that of a testator's assets being misallocated.
Misplacement or Loss of the Testament: Handwritten testaments which are stored in the home of the testator are all too often misplaced, lost, or even destroyed. This can lead to a testator's last wishes not being respected, certain assets being permanently lost (with the loss of private crypto wallet keys for example), as well as unwanted family conflict over the separation of assets.
i-Ternity will allow its users to connect and store certificates of ownership of all of their assets and thereby to be assured that none of them could possibly be lost during the inheritance transmission process. This will be done with the help of the i-Ternity platform which will assist users in gathering and uploading all necessary documents in an intuitive step-by-step process in order to ensure no mistakes are made. Users can provide certificates for all types of assets, such as real estate, financial assets, cryptoassets, art pieces, furniture, vehicules, animals, and many more. Once all proofs of ownership are uploaded, they will be minted and stored in the form of NFTs to ensure their security and immutability.
Our aim at i-Ternity is to improve upon the classic holographic testament format to provide users with the option to draft precise and legally compliant testaments from the comfort and privacy of their own homes. With the help of the support and detailed advice provided by the i-Ternity platform, users can be certain to not have omitted any key piece of information or document during the preparation of their testament.
As the first of its kind decentralized and blockchain-based platform, i-Ternity thereby provides the absolute certainty that a testator’s assets will not be lost, misplaced, misallocated, or disputed. We believe having this certainty and peace of mind is of great value to anyone wishing to secure the safety of their heritage and the financial security of their heirs.
As an additional service, users can also generate passive capital gains through the staking of the i-Ternity token $WILL. These gains can then either be redeemed by the users at a later date or directly passed on to their heirs as part of the heritage. This additional value proposition allows our users to take full advantage of their $WILL tokens.
To offer the best quality service to our users, we give the highest importance to respecting established laws and regulations governing inheritance transmission, as well as to the protection and privacy of personal data.
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